Loloahi Tapui cashes up at Southwark Court


Day three of the fraud case involving Togan – Loloahi Tapui has heard how she reportedly was paid £95,000 for an interview with a Sunday newspaper, £20,000 of which was reported to have been paid to publicist Max Clifford.


Duncan Penny, prosecuting, continued to cross-examine Tapui regarding her work references. Tapui however admitted showing Baroness Scotland her previous job references and her CV but denied showing Baroness Scotland her passport. 

Asked by Duncan Penny, if, by taking her CV, she “intended to suggest to the reader that the individual, namely you, had been working legally”, Tapui said: “Yes”. Asked by the judge why she took her pay slips to the interview, Tapui said: “I had my pay slips; I had my (national) insurance numbers in it to be able to show her that I pay tax and national insurance as proof of employment.”

Millionaires 60 fights to clear ASBO 


Patricia Bailey, 60 year old property developer accused of anti-social behavior and harassing her neighbours, appeared this week at Southwark Crown court in her bid to overturn her nationwide imposed Anti Social Behavior Order (ASBO) .

Bailey’s previous trial at Westminster, the magistrate reportedly said:  ‘If it was up to me I would ban you from the entire planet.”That  after hearing how she had reportedly accused women at a charity meeting as being ‘whores’.

Mrs. Bailey believes however that she was in fact the victim and that the accusers had somehow managed to reverse facts.

The case continues.

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